Easy and natural stereopsis vision assessment


Some user reviews of Frisby Stereotest products

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Odysseas (5 years) enjoying the Frisby Pocket Stereotest used by Greek orthoptist Sophie Scouros DBO D (see pictures of her using the test >>)

“The Frisby Stereotest is incredibly simple to use – just as advertised!” Dr Trevor Maze, Medical Director, All Health Matters Limited.  www.allhealthmatters.co.uk

“My experience of your excellent product is only favourable.  I now use it as the first part of every examination involving a very young patient after obtaining History and Symptoms from the parent.  The ‘test’ is easy and quick for both young patient and Optometrist.  It often brings a smile to both parent and child.  Watching the child’s preferential eye gaze is often enough for a response.” Antony Mazeika, Optometrist

“Possibly the most useful subjective test of stereopsis for young children is the Frisby Test as it provides real depth in the display and does not require the child to wear dissociating spectacles.”  Professor Margaret Woodhouse, specialist in paediatric optometry, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences at Cardiff University

“A very useful screening method.. the test is easy to explain to the patient in terms of what they are supposed to be seeing due to its size / lack of many extraneous choices as a response……a very useful size and it’s handy to have a portable test for stereopsis at an inexpensive price. The test easily fits into my equipment bag so is a very useful addition.” Tom Petty, Orthoptics trainee using the Frisby Pocket Stereotest while on a placement